
Creating Google Fit Authorization Keys

To create your own authorization keys,


  • Create Project
  • Go to API & Services
    • Select Enabled API & Services → Enable Fitness API
  • Go to  API & Services
    • Select Create OAuth Consent Screen
      • Set App Name and User support email, developer email
      • Add Scopes (filter by keyword "fitness" and "read"), should be around 11 scopes ( Activity, Blood Glucose, Blood Pressure, Body, heart rate, temperature, location, nutrition, oxygen saturation, reproductive health, sleep)
      • Add Test users email address (Can only get data from these email addresses during development)
  • Select Credentials
    • Create credentials for OAuth Client ID
    • Authorized JS Origin -> Set Frontend/Backend url
    • Authorized redirect URL -> Set {Backend_baseUrl}/api/google-fit/auth-callback
  • Save Client ID and Client Secret in framework env file


User tokens created for each user when using the app can only be used for 10 days in development mode. Call /google-fit/disconnect endpoint to remove the old tokens and reconnect the user again for access.



REDIRECT_URI = {backend_base_url}/api/google-fit/auth-callback

Important Links: